PASTOR'S PERSPECTIVE: Your day of refreshing will come

My favorite time of day is early in the morning, especially during the early spring time. To walk out to the garden with a cup of coffee in my hands just sets the day off right.

My Father likes to talk to me there. In the serenity of the early morning, I seem to be able to hear Him the clearest.

A few years back, I had walked out to my garden, and the greens were standing with outward-reaching leaves. I heard His voice sweetly say to me to observe those plants, for while I was silent, they worshipped Him.

As evidence of human activity became louder, the air became warmer. Those beautiful leaves slowly began to wilt under the warmth and, as the day progressed, they would wither in the heat. They did not die; they were just waiting for a refresher in the evening. 

I wonder, after hearing of more brothers in Christ being killed for their faith, just how much "heat" can we stand and still praise Him?

Can we not find time to enjoy His sweetness and praise Him now, so that we can still stand in the hot part of our persecution and trials?

These brothers in Egypt lost their lives, presumably for their faith. They made it through the heat, and are now refreshed in the King's presence.  

There are others; we do not hear of them.

You will see it and hear it more.

The Enemy has plans to destroy you. Know this: Your day of refreshing will come. Pray for others while you can, for you may need their prayers to endure to the end and become the overcomer that you were meant to be.

Pastor Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: PASTOR'S PERSPECTIVE: Your day of refreshing will come