LETTER: There are wonderful people still left in Crestview

Dear editor,

Monday, Jan. 19, at about 1:30 or 2 p.m., my husband, Frank, 81 years old, and myself were coming out of the Med. Center from an appointment with Dr. Goeke.

Frank had a walking stick or a cane, but was not doing too good, so I gave him my walker that I use, so we could get to the car to come home.

He was halfway to the car, gave out, and fell in the parking lot.

I could not get him up, but could not leave him there by himself to go for help.

No need, because about six people came to help.

I thanked them for their help, and still I wish to do so again, and mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say there are wonderful people still left in this world and the community of Crestview.

Thank you, and God bless those who came to help me with my husband.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: There are wonderful people still left in Crestview