Citizens Safety Academy students anticipate next 9 weeks

From left are Gage Bailey, Jessica Hughes and Marie Saccaro.

CRESTVIEW — Each student of the Crestview Police Department's Citizens Safety Academy has different expectations.

For Gage Bailey, a Crestview High School senior, the academy is a way to experience what being a police officer involves.

“I’m actually wanting to join the police force, so I’ll  be seeing if this is something I really want to do,” he said. “I’m looking forward to all of it, especially the crime scene investigations.”

Jessica Hughes, Gage’s classmate, said presentations by other public safety agencies will be helpful as she chooses a career path.

“I really want to get into being an EMT or a firefighter, and this looked like a really interesting program to learn more,” she said. “I saw there was participation by EMS and the fire department, which would be really incredible for me.”

Marie Saccaro, a board member on her homeowners association, said she signed up for the free academy at other board members' urging.

“They asked me to attend to obtain more knowledge about our police department,” she said. “It’s so we don’t assume, but actually know.”

Students' motivations for participating are among reasons why the department established the academy, which kicked off Tuesday and ends April 28.  

“A better educated community is a more responsive community,” Police Chief Tony Taylor said during his introductory remarks. “You’re not only going to hear from our agency.”

Class organizers, Community Policing Officers Sam Kimmons and Wanda Hulion, said students will hear from the Okaloosa Emergency Medical Service, members of the judicial system, children’s advocacy organizations and a probation supervisor.

Crestview Police officers will present sessions on the S.W.A.T. team, firearms safety, patrol operations, traffic enforcement, crime scene investigations, criminal investigations and cyber crimes.

Students will also tour the Okaloosa Correctional Institute and spend a morning at the shooting range under police firearms instructor Lt. Andrew Schneider's supervision.

“This program is designed to give you everything you ever wanted to know about law enforcement in Crestview,” Taylor said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Citizens Safety Academy students anticipate next 9 weeks