CRESTVIEW — Potential learning opportunities in Michelle Hokans' and Fiona Lukas' classrooms have expanded more than the teachers could have expected.
Hokans, of Crestview High School, and Lukas, of Baker School — both mathematics teachers — each received $5,000 for being effective educators. They were among nine finalists for the first two Paul Hsu Foundation Teaching Excellence Awards in Math and Science.
View photos from the TEAMS presentation>>
Lukas said the award — given only to Baker, Crestview and Laurel Hill high school teachers — recognizes all area teachers' value. “I think that everyone deserves the prize,” she said. “They all work so hard.”
Hokans said she’d been nervous ever since the nine finalists were announced toward the end of February. Just to be among them was honor enough, she said. “Then, when I realized I was one of the winners, I was just in shock,” Hokans said.
The awards were presented at the March 5 Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting. The program is administered through a chamber committee; "It’s private money from a private organization,” committee chairman Dennis Mitchell said.
Hsu, an Okaloosa County engineer, established the award as a no-strings-attached recognition for teachers who excel in inspiring their students in STEM disciplines. He said rewarding area teachers is important “simply because they educate the leaders of our future.
“Too often we forgot about their contributions, so in a small way, I hope this program will remind us of the great contributions of the teachers to our community.”
Attending the presentation was Director General Philip Wang of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami, who praised the chamber and Hsu for holding area teachers in such high regard.
“When I first heard of this project several weeks ago, I was so touched, because in Taiwan, we respect our teachers very much,” Wang said, adding that Taiwanese teachers are so valued they do not pay income taxes.
Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.
This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Baker, Crestview high school teachers receive $5K excellence awards