Grant provides flood repairs for 2 Crestview areas

CRESTVIEW — The Natural Resources Conservation Service's Emergency Watershed Protection Program is helping North Okaloosa with flood damage repairs not covered by other federal and state programs.

A $5.9 million grant will provide relief for these areas:

•Crestview Housing Authority, upper Trammel Creek. Gulley erosion is undermining an apartment building's foundation, threatening to destroy utilities and an adjacent retention basin. Repairs are estimated to cost $85,484 to fill and build a rock-lined channel to convey stormwater from the parking lot and retention area and remove sediment from the stormwater holding pond.

•Gil-Ava Street Red Wash Branch. A 20-foot gully threatens to topple a city water tower and destroy drainage structures, four homes and 400 feet of road.

Sediment and debris are being deposited in a downstream channel. Repairs are estimated to cost $1,251,324 to fill and grade, install rock riprap and plant vegetation to prevent further erosion. 

Sponsors are providing 25 percent of the cost in matching funds or in-kind services.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Grant provides flood repairs for 2 Crestview areas