NWFSC's ‘Hamlet’ to feature Crestview actresses

Crestview actress Bettye Keefer stars as Queen Gertrude in Northwest Florida State College’s production of “Hamlet,” with Bruce Collier as Claudius, Sean Royal as Laertes and Dylan Garofalo as the tortured title character.

NICEVILLE — When William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy “Hamlet” opens at the Mattie Kelly Arts Center Wednesday night, two Crestview actresses will discover something’s rotten in Denmark.

Bettye Keefer performs the role of Gertrude, widow of the slain king of Denmark and mother of Prince Hamlet. When she marries Claudius, her husband’s assassin and brother, Hamlet becomes fraught with anguish.

Sheila Johnson takes on several roles, including the courtier Voltimand, the Player Queen actress, a servant and an English ambassador.

Dylan Garofalo of Santa Rosa Beach — who appears in the starring role of Hamlet — will get to recite one of the theatre’s most famous soliloquies: “To be or not to be. That is the question.”

Ron Altman of Niceville plays Hamlet’s father’s ghost, while Bruce Collier of DeFuniak Springs portrays Claudius.

Director and Northwest Florida State College theatre professor Clint Mahle said his production will appeal to modern tastes, but will adhere to Shakespearean conventions including minimal scenery, addressing the audience directly, and quick exits and entrances.

Mahle offered this tongue-in-cheek synopsis of the familiar story: “Son is extremely bummed over his father’s death and mom’s hasty marriage to his uncle. Father’s ghost shows up and tells son he has been murdered by son’s uncle, father’s brother.

“Son becomes more confused and depressed as everyone he trusts seems to betray him. After some death and insanity, son figures out a plan. Almost everyone dies except son’s best friend and a bunch of baffled subjects of the kingdom.”

Many Shakespearean scholars consider “Hamlet” as the first purely psychological thriller, Mahle said.

“Hamlet,” presented by the NWFSC Fine and Performing Arts Division, will feature custom-designed period costumes, much of the design work by Keefer, and a set built specifically for the Sprint Theater, the smaller of arts complex’s two theaters. The play runs through March 21.


WHAT:William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

WHEN:7:30 p.m. March 18-21

WHERE:Sprint Theater, Mattie Kelly Arts Center, Northwest Florida State College Niceville campus

COST:$15 adult, $10 youths 18 or younger

NOTES:Tickets available at the box office, 729-6000, www.MattieKellyArtsCenter.org

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: NWFSC's ‘Hamlet’ to feature Crestview actresses