PASTOR'S PERSPECTIVE: It's time to mature as Christians

When a child enters this world, he or she is usually held close, cherished, and protected because they are so loved.

In spite of their ability to mature and grow, they will never be more uniquely human than the day they were born.

When a person, regardless of age, seeks forgiveness and experiences new birth, they are born as spiritual beings, children of the Heavenly Father. He will hold them close, cherish and protect that newborn Christian because they are so loved. 

As they mature in Christ, they learn to walk in His Spirit, talk in His Spirit and, occasionally, God the Father can get a favorable response out of us. 

So why do we consider others more spiritual or not as spiritual compared to ourselves?  I do not recall a conversation with anyone wondering why another person was more human than I!

Paul, in writing to the church in Corinth (1 Corinthians 13: 11) stated the obvious: that as a child, he thought and acted on childish things. He stated that as a man, he put away childish things.

Perhaps we as Christians need to put away childish things and start acting like mature Christians.

In 2 Samuel: 12, David was fasting and praying for the life of the child born to him.  When he knew the child had died — because of his sin — he changed his clothes and went to worship God. 

When we have done wrong and God allows us to be corrected, our childish desire is to be mad at God and end up in a perpetual pity party.  It is a sign of maturity to take your correction, get up and put your boots on, and go worship God!

When times are rough, praise Him.  When He uses the word no, accept it.  When He and His Word tell you to react, do it.

Do not look at those around you as though they are some sort of spiritual superstar — they are not.

Learn their secret.  Pick up the Bible. Read it for yourself and let Him direct you!

You grew up by virtue of your life experiences; experience spiritual life as well.  You will not be rejected, and you are always loved.

Perhaps some day, He can get a favorable response from you.

Pastor Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., Crestview. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: PASTOR'S PERSPECTIVE: It's time to mature as Christians