Crestview residents meet ‘Homo Sapiens: A Species Gone Ape' author

Resident Craig Yort meets Mark Gerszewski at Monday’s book signing at the Crestview Public Library. Yort said he looks forward to attending tomorrow’s fundraiser benefiting Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, at which participants will receive a free autographed copy of Gerszewski’s “Homo Sapiens: A Species Gone Ape.”

CRESTVIEW —Okaloosa County readers and military supporters helped raise money for Fisher House of the Emerald Coast and chewed over matters ranging from politics to pop culture with visiting author Mark Gerszewski this week.

Gerszewski signed copies of his book, “Homo Sapiens: A Species Gone Ape” at the Crestview Public Library Monday evening. He is promoting his book through the week, including events at libraries and military bases.

“It’s exciting, and we sold 10 books,” Gerszewski said midway through Monday’s two-hour event at the library. “The week has started out well.”

Given the area’s strong military presence, Gerszewski said he was surprised how few people were aware of Fisher House, a home for military families whose loved ones are undergoing lengthy medical procedures at the Eglin hospital.

“We gave them a little educational lesson,” Gerszewski said.

“I was up there like a used car salesman,” his sister, Crestview resident Mary Richard, said, saying she revised her morning sales pitch during a book signing at the Eglin Base Exchange to extol Fisher House’s benefits to the military community.

“It was an awesome day at the BX,” she said.

Resident Craig Yort didn’t buy “Homo Sapiens” at the library; he’ll receive his own autographed copy at tomorrow night’s dinner with the author at the Fort Walton Beach Yacht Club.

The Riverside Elementary School teacher said just thumbing through a copy of the book and chatting with Gerszewski at the Crestview library had him eager to read more.

“I’m looking forward to getting my book at the dinner,” he said.


WHAT: Dinner with author Mark Gerszewski and book signing

WHEN: 6 p.m. Thursday

WHERE: Fort Walton Beach Yacht Club, 180 Ferry Dr. N.E.

COST: $65 per person

NOTES: Guest speaker: Maj. Gen. Robert Chedister, former Eglin Air Force Base commander. Tickets include autographed copy of “Homo Sapiens: A Species Gone Ape” and five-course meal. Contact Mary Richard, 582-3317.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview residents meet ‘Homo Sapiens: A Species Gone Ape' author