HUBBUB: A shout-out to Crestview Publix; a bypass is the only option

Editor's Note: Featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.



Publix serves the community

Just wanted to give a shout-out to our Publix and the store manager Tim Bryant.

I read about a family who requested they order a buggy made specifically for special needs children called Caroline's Cart. Well, of course our amazing Publix came through and called the family to be the first to use it when it came in.

It warms my heart that some companies still truly care about their customers and, if it's possible, I love Crestview Publix even more now! The credit for this story goes to Renee Christopher.

Luke M Sheplock‎


Resolution now acknowledges traffic?

It only took the Crestview Chamber how many years to figure this out? The public has been saying this since the early 1990s!

Michael Smith 


'Abysmal' traffic chokes area's life

Here's a little tip: the northbound traffic is just going to get a lot worse when the current flyover construction is completed at the intersection of FL 85 and FL 123 next year!

The abysmal traffic — seven days a week, not just Monday through Friday — just chokes the life out of the communities in North Okaloosa. 

Al Aplin


This will never change

When you live in the largest city in the county and less than 2,000 people cast a ballot that could change the way the city is run, this will never change.

Allie Lyman-Fries


Bypass is the only option

Bottom line: There's no way to widen Highway 85 coming through town. Businesses sit too close to the road, and more are added all the time.

There seems to be no forethought in regards to easement for future widening of the road.

The only viable, logical and practical option is a bypass.

Angel Gonzalez


Limit trips to Crestview

The new businesses are built too close to the road and are impossible to safely enter and exit.

I limit my trips to Crestview to once or twice a month, and I live in Holt — that's how much I despise the traffic and value my life and safety of my family!

Kim Farris


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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: A shout-out to Crestview Publix; a bypass is the only option