Commentary: Expanding naloxone access will save thousands of lives


My son, now in his early 20s, has battled addiction since he was 13. His struggle began when he started using a less risky substance, but the addiction progressed over time.

At one point, he depended on stronger, more dangerous drugs. When his addiction was at its worst, he was shooting heroin.

Today, he is 10 months sober and a graduate of an intensive halfway house program. We are grateful that he surmounted this affliction and regained a bright future. More importantly, we are happy to have him back in our lives, and see him be happy once again.

My son's story is a fortunate and, sadly, uncommon one. A pattern of addiction, especially one that starts at such an early age, often translates into social isolation that turns into shame, a cycle of relapse and recovery and, too often, death from a drug overdose.

We need to recognize addiction for what it is — a relentless brain disease capable of taking the lives of our sons and daughters, parents, relatives and closest friends.

I join drug recovery advocates, affected individuals of addiction and their families who support expanded access to naloxone, a life-saving drug overdose reversal medication that can be administered at the scene of an overdose.

Right now in Florida, emergency responders, including law enforcement officers, still can’t administer this medicine without fear of civil or criminal liability. Neither can your pharmacist — even though naloxone is an FDA-approved, non-addictive medication proven to save over 10,000 lives in the U.S.

This medication provides overdose victims a second chance at life that they wouldn’t have otherwise. I know that had my son overdosed when he was using, receiving this medication in time would have been the only reason he survived.

I’ve been spending my time advocating for Florida law to expand access to naloxone use as broadly as possible, which will save thousands of more lives.

Wendy Scuderi is the ambassador of Shatterproof: Stronger Than Addiction

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Commentary: Expanding naloxone access will save thousands of lives