HELMS: How will you respond to the Lord's invitation?

When I got married, there was a lot of financial pressure placed on my wife and me. 

After we renewed our walk with our Heavenly Father, those pressures were still there. 

I found out what a gem of a wife I had when I came home one day and she met me at the door with my rod and reel in hand.  No tackle box, no lures, just a rod and reel. 

Taking the hint, I eased out of the driveway and went to a place I truly loved to go to just be alone.

However, sitting back, taking a deep breath, closing my eyes, I knew that I was not alone. For the next hour or so, I was able to just spend time with my Savior as the tears sweetly rolled down my cheek. 

No trumpets blaring, not even the radio was on. Yet Jesus came and sat beside me and began to gently touch my very innermost being. 

I left that place that day completely renewed from His presence. My lovely wife would later tell me that she had been praying for me, and she felt that I had been given an invitation to come be with Jesus. 

Through the trials and troubles of my life, there has always been a time when God would gently whisper to me that it was time to break away from the cares of this life, and come join Him in fellowship.

From reading His Word, I know that Jesus made it a habit to get away with just His Father on a regular basis. Oh, what a joy to just be in the King's presence! For Him to wrap His arms around you and whisper His sweet words into your very heart, there is no better  time spent here on earth. His Word and message is for us to come to Him, and He will give us rest.

My friend, my experiences with the Father are a result of having to learn to trust and walk with Him. Listening to His voice, reading His Word, and putting it to practice in my life. The invitation for an audience with Jesus is open to any and all that will call upon His name.

In the midst of our being busy, He wants us to take a moment to stop and let Him show just how much He cares about each and every one of us. 

Your invitation to attend a one-on-one meeting with the King has been sent.

How will you respond? 

Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Missions, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: How will you respond to the Lord's invitation?