HUBBUB: How about roundabouts? Readers weigh in!

How about roundabouts?

Here's what our Facebook fans had to say when we asked whether roundabouts are an effective means to control Crestview's traffic.

They're great, but…

Roundabouts are great. The problem is people who don't know how to use them. Megan Glancy Riggs

Here's why they're safer

I have driven in roundabouts overseas, where the drivers are crazy compared to us. They are safer because speeds are slower, and you are going the same direction, preventing any head-on collision.

Pierce Cogburn

Look at Hurlburt Field's roundabout

There's a roundabout on Hurlburt (Field), and people are clueless. Seen cars going the opposite way — or just sit there because they don't know what yield means.

Mandy Gonzalez

It's about courtesy

I can't say go over the speed limit, but you shouldn't be out for a cruise 10 mph under when there is rush-hour traffic.

And, when lights turn, your main objective should be getting your butt in gear to be courteous to the hundreds of drivers behind you trying to get their kids to practice or pick them up from daycare or just trying to make it home to spend time with their families.

Really, it comes down to people being courteous of others.

Justin Curtis

Time for a bypass

It's time for the bypass. Sorry, downtown business owners, we have outgrown our roadways. We need to get to work safely, even if it means not driving past your businesses. There is no other solution.

Matt Lynch

Time to upgrade 85

Stop beating around the proverbial bush and fund the six-lane upgrade to Highway 85 from Shoal River to Old Bethel. We no longer wanna hear and see (these) stalling tactics. Get the funding going today, not 25 years from now.

Robert Damon Bradley

Here's a thought

Redstone and Brookmeade would be a great place for a roundabout.

Leila DiPolo

Just no

I had experienced this change in my old hometown. The roundabout was put in about four of five years ago, and residents are still confused over it. It's much easier and quicker to use a three-way or four-way stop sign, especially when making left turns.

Some people will be going in circles out of confusion, and I can see teen drivers going in circles non-stop for just the fun of it … and possibly put others in danger. Just no.

Brandi Lynn Parton

If you can't figure it out…

I think it is a great idea. They are simple to use. If you can't figure it out, you probably shouldn't be driving.

Amanda Coffman

England does it

I lived in England a few years and never understand why America didn't do this. Billions of dollars saved by a circle in the road. Why the wait?

AW Ratliff

Test lighter roads

I say do some temporary testing in parts of town. Do some trial runs where traffic is not so heavy. Also, you would no doubt have to run a seminar explaining the proper use of a roundabout.

Steven Horn

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: How about roundabouts? Readers weigh in!