LETTER: Crestview should have solved traffic before more development

Dear editor,

I've lived here in Crestview for 28 years, and all this bypass jargon is because of Crestview planners, bureaucrats and management's 20-20 hindsight.

They had the opportunity to scope Crestview out long before any establishments were built by the I-10 corridor or anywhere else. The managers can blame only themselves for allowing people to build without solving the traffic issue first.

Now that the paid managers of Crestview didn't see the forest for the trees, we are stuck with the traffic problem.

The headline was correct: "dream map." This is why we — nor my grandchildren or great grandchildren — will never see any changes, in Crestview.

Because they are dreaming, and nothing will be done.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Crestview should have solved traffic before more development