HAPPENINGS: Easter traditions and Christ's resurrection

Growing up, our family read the Easter story the Saturday night before Easter and focused on Christ Jesus' sacrifice for our sins.

We went to church every Sunday, but Easter Sunday was extra special. We usually had new clothes — Mother generally made a new dress especially for me — and often we had new church shoes. 

Since our focus was on our Lord's resurrection, sometimes there was an egg hunt, sometimes not. We always got Easter baskets filled with goodies, a stuffed toy, a new Bible story book, and sometimes even a brand new Bible, crayons and coloring books. 

Most Easters, we would go to our grandparents and have a nice meal; some Easters, other family members joined us. After lunch, we changed into our play clothes and had fun running around and playing with our cousins.

Since Jim and I married, our traditions are a little different. We moved around extensively the first few years of our marriage, so our traditions have somewhat developed over time.

We now begin with the observance of Lent and reflect upon the sacrifice Christ made to redeem us from our sins. We celebrate Palm Sunday and, depending upon the church, sometimes there is the waving of small palm fronds and we may sing a solo or duet. 

During the week traditionally called Holy Week, between Palm and Easter Sundays, we attend services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday services are followed by a wonderful gathering of our church family and friends hosted by a very special family.

We believe that Easter is the pinnacle of our faith. Without Christ's death, burial and resurrection, we would not have the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Christ Jesus.

Our prayer is that you and your family will have a glorious Easter as we celebrate Christ's resurrection from the dead.

Happy Easter, He is Risen!

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her brother, Robb; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

Email listings of upcoming events to NorthOkaloosaHappenings@gmail.com.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HAPPENINGS: Easter traditions and Christ's resurrection