HELMS: Bask and bathe in God's presence

David gathered five smooth stones from the brook to fight Goliath, a Philistine giant.

We can find this story in the book of 1 Samuel, Chapter 17. But for today, don't concentrate on David or Goliath. Let's look at the stones. 

The Bible states that they were smooth and taken from a brook, a moving body of water. They did not fall in to automatically assume their present shape, but rather were molded and buffeted against other rocks, sand and water until they were finally ready to be chosen by the future king to defeat his enemy.

 As a Christian, have you ever wondered why you have hard times in this life? Christ stated that the world would hate us, but why such a hard time, even in our physical and church families?

Consider that you are a stone being shaped for the perfect use of the future king for defeating His enemy.

We have had to spend some time in the stream being tumbled, bruised, polished and irritated — all this so that we can be shaped and useful to the king.

We become most usable when we decide to quit fighting Him and His mercy and willingly let Him remove our edges. 

Now we are ready to hit the target. 

He sends us into this world to win others, pray and assist where we can, and indeed we can fell the enemy. 

A smooth stone flies straighter, skips across the water better, and is so much prettier to look at. To be a part of Him is to be willing to submit to Him. Your river is His pleasures poured out for you. 

Bask and bathe in His presence.

Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Ministries, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Bask and bathe in God's presence