HUBBUB: Reader's 5 suggestions would take time, add a fourth B: beer

Featured comments from our discussion at


Actions have consequences

Children need to learn that there are real consequences for their actions. Parents, if we don't discipline our children, society will.

Parenting is a full-time job. Being present in our kids' lives and knowing what is going on with them daily is a must. It is also responsible parenting.

Teen Court is an amazing program that works.

As parents, we want to help "fix" our child's mistakes, poor choices and unacceptable behaviors. We as parents need to learn and accept that, sometimes, the best thing we can do is nothing.

Our children will become better people for it in the long run.

Jennifer Marie 


Here's why there's still dirt

I know why it's not happened yet. They don't have enough right of way on parts of the dirt section of Okaloosa Lane to pave it and provide drainage and sidewalks. The paved section taking so long to fix was just darn annoying though.

David Hall 


Children still walk on it

It would be great if it was paved! Especially since it is still expected of our children to walk down, even when it's flooded and with no sidewalks and with the dangers of the buses flying down there in order to get to school.

Melissa Willcut Woollums 


Reader's 5 suggestions would take time

All of those ideas sound great, in theory, but … there is not a realistic cost-effective solution to the traffic issue. It will take years of planning to get even the simplest of those five things done.

BJ Lawrence 


Triple B food shortage shows success

The only thing I would change is for competitors to not run out of food. You know you have success when multiple vendors run out of food in the middle of the day.

Nancy Byrd-Zaring 


Add a fourth B: beer

I (have a) few ideas; more (portable toilets), more trash cans, and it would be cool if there was a bigger emphasis on the music where a larger crowd could gather, and sell beer. Like a mini Mullet Festival but in downtown Crestview with a barbecue theme. And get a few decent up-and-coming country artists or bands.

Jason Lyttle   


'Dream map' similar to this

The map on the wall could be likened to a teenager with a nice sports car poster on the wall. Dreams and Delusions give way to reality eventually.

Robert Damon Bradley


Much talk, no progress

"It hasn't received city council approval, and is not part of the city’s comprehensive plan."

“People have talked about this route for years."

… A lot of talk, a lot of studies — no progress.

Kurt Burgess


About that mileage fee…

How much more in taxes can we endure?

Jon Bell

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Reader's 5 suggestions would take time, add a fourth B: beer