LETTER: Grateful for Duke Field's Good Samaritan

Dear editor,

 I want to publicly acknowledge and thank Edgar Calderon of the Special Forces at Duke Field for his kindness and example of a Good Samaritan. 

My husband and I were on our way to Pensacola Airport to begin a vacation when we had a flat tire.  Edgar pulled over, took charge, and changed the tire so quickly that we caught our flight! 

Edgar would not accept anything for repayment. He only asked that we support the military, which we whole heartedly do. 

We would like to do something more tangible for him and the Special Forces he represents. We sent emails to the public relations office at Duke Field, however we had no reply.

We would like to know what we can do to support Edgar and the wonderful Special Forces he represents.

Many thanks to Edgar and the U.S. military.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Grateful for Duke Field's Good Samaritan