LETTER: Resolve roadside waste buildup

Dear editor,

Trash and recycling services have been very good in the past. 

I've lived in every part of the U.S. and have never seen trash services pick up large bulk items like chairs and couches, rolls of carpet, and other very large items. 


However recently, these large bulk items have been left on the roadside for weeks — some items for as long as six weeks or more. 

I contacted the city and asked if these items were still being picked up and they stated yes. However, a subsequent conversation with the waste management provider stated these items were not being picked up if they are considered construction waste. 

It appears we have a miscommunication between the city and their contractors, and the residents of Crestview are accumulating trash in the streets, creating homes for vermin, jeopardizing real estate values, and basically making Crestview look like a third-world country.

The Crestview City Council and its waste cleanup  should review their contracts, the work being accomplished and resolve the waste building up on the road sides in residential neighborhoods and other places. 

If the problem cannot be resolved, at least notify residents and inform them that placing bulk items on the roadside for pick-up is no longer permitted and inform the residents of legal dump locations.

If the problem persists, official notification and citations can be issued. 

Crestview already has an unfavorable reputation as seedy and unrefined. Let's change that reputation.

Editor's Note: The original letter, as submitted, referred to Waste Management, a company the city no longer contracts with for waste removal. 

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Resolve roadside waste buildup