A Crestview woman's 'tribute to an honest man'

Crestview resident Doris McMahon's husband, John, was the McMahon Environmental Center's founder and namesake.

On a lovely Sabbath afternoon in the earth's infancy, with the sun shining down on Florida's lush forest and the Gulf of Mexico's crystal blue waters, the Holy Trinity was busy resting and admiring all creation.

And God said, "It has been some time since we created the Earth, and I feel the need to add something outstanding to it. So, we shall create a man in our image."

"That's an excellent idea," the Son and the Holy Spirit said.


God said, "He must be a fine specimen of a man: pleasant looking, but not too handsome, with eyes as blue as the sky. He shall be tall — at least 6 feet, so he doesn't have to look up to many men. Also, he must be strong and healthy, with the physical stamina to cope with all situations."

"Can we make him an outstanding tennis player?" the Son said. "Just so he has some outlet for his energy and can keep in shape at the same time.

"But back to serious things: He must be supportive of the Trinity and have a talent for writing and speaking so that he can teach others about us and assist them as they travel the path of knowledge that leads to salvation. He must accept the sacrifice I made for him and for all mankind."

"Yes," agreed the Holy Spirit, "but he must be aware that I am always with him and he only has to call on me for the strength he will need to remain faithful in any crisis that life on Earth may bring."

And God said, "He must live a long, productive life — at least 90 Earth years — as a husband, father and role model. He will not only teach others about the Trinity, he also shall love and respect the earth We have created. He shall spend his years teaching others to appreciate and take care of the resources We have provided. He must be pure and strive toward a high moral standard. He will never use evil, unkind, profane or in any way unjust language. And he will deal fairly with all people."


"That is good," the Son said. "And he must keep the two great commandments, which I gave to mankind during my time on Earth."

The Holy Spirit responded, "That is all well and good, but above all these things, he must be an honest man."

"Whew," God and the Son said. "You have given him a really hard task. You know how difficult it is to be honest and live among men, and how few honest men there are.

"Do you believe he is up to the task?"

"Yes," the Holy Spirit said. "Remember, I will be with him always to sustain and strengthen him. Also, he will have both of you to reinforce my help."


God said, "All these things shall come to pass, but we must give him a name. Since it was my idea, I will go first. I have chosen the name John, for many men of that name will be committed to us."

The Son said, "I like the name Houston, for many men of that name will play a large part in the development of our chosen people."

Not to be outdone, the Holy Spirit chimed in.

"Well, I have given this much thought and have decided on the good Irish name McMahon, simply because I like it and it seems fitting."

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit gazed upon their creation, John Houston McMahon.

And all three said, "This is good."

Crestview resident Doris McMahon's husband, John, was the McMahon Environmental Center's founder and namesake.

John died last month at age 90. While alive, the retired forester and state forestry poet laureate spent many years teaching countless children about Florida's trees and instilled in them a love of nature.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: A Crestview woman's 'tribute to an honest man'