BROADHEAD: Pride hurts the Christian witness

Editor's Note: This is the second column in a series on how to restore any lost respect for Christianity. Here is Part 1. 

Did you know there are over 40,000 Christian denominations worldwide?

How did this happen?

Well, one reason is because people cannot agree on various issues and interpretations of the scriptures. Someone presents an interpretation or understanding; others vehemently disagree; they split off with like-minded people; and a new denomination is born.

Theological matters are divisive.

Think about it: Can a person grant forgiveness for another’s sins? Is baptism only good if a person is totally immersed in water? Do the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper become the actual body and blood of Jesus, or are they simply symbolic? What about same-gender marriages?

Biblical and theological interpretations divide Christianity. Disagreement brings dissention. It creates enmity. “We’re right. You’re wrong.”

At the root of this sentiment is one of the seven deadly sins — pride.

Pride is an ugly trait. And it does cause death — maybe not physical death, but certainly spiritual. Pride tends to kill compassion. It destroys understanding. It wipes out the ability to hear another point of view that may bring about growth and deeper wisdom. Any issue becomes a contest to be won.

The Bible states, “Pride goes before a fall.” Pride, among a few other matters, hurts the Christian witness. If Christians cannot get along, or agree to disagree in a loving and compassionate manner, why would anyone be attracted to the Head of the Church — Jesus Christ — whom we are to represent?

Let me invite you to be in prayer about how you might unknowingly be a victim or purveyor of pride within your practice of the faith. I know I have been to a certain degree, and I seek God’s forgiveness.

Looking at this is not an easy task. But in the long run, it will bring God’s blessing.

To be continued…

The Rev. Mark Broadhead is Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Crestview's pastor.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: BROADHEAD: Pride hurts the Christian witness