LETTER: Rescind abortion bill — or also hold father accountable

Dear editor,

The Florida Legislature recently sent a bill to the governor requiring a woman to endure a 24-hour waiting period prior to having an abortion performed.  

I do not understand why they failed to recognize the father in this case. 

Could it be he was unknown, with numerous possibilities, or that he is incapable or unwilling to accept his role in fatherhood? 

What of the man who is aware, or unaware, of a pregnancy and willing to do the right thing in your eyes? Should he not be given that opportunity?  

What of the man who demands unprotected sex? Should he not be held responsible for fathering an unwanted child? 

What of the man who indiscriminately copulates with multiple women on multiple days without any thought of the repercussions?  Should they not be held responsible?

If my suggestion that a new bill is introduced requiring all men to sign a letter of intent prior to having sex sounds moronic, you're only beginning to understand how I feel about a bill that places all the burden on a woman's attempt to have an abortion while the Florida Legislature witnesses the operation.  

Rescind this moronic bill now or submit a bill holding the father responsible.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: Rescind abortion bill — or also hold father accountable