HUBBUB: Recreation field plans need turf, never saw accident on Mapoles

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Recreation field plans need turf

If this will not be turf, it's a waste of money. Turf infields … will allow tourneys, rain or shine, with a good drainage system.

The city would make its money back in the first two years by hosting for slow pitch, fast pitch and baseball, if they construct it right.

I play in Washington rains 90 percent of the time — no rain-outs. 

Talib DiNero Williams


Put yourself in military wife's shoes

Crestview is in need of more good doctors. Seems they all leave after only being here a year. And the hospital ER doctors need lots of improvement.

As for the doctor's wife who wrote her story: Put yourself in a soldier or airman's wife's shoes, where most times the spouse is away and, with the amount of pay a soldier gets.

Then I could sympathize with you.

Linda Boutwell


Never saw accident on Mapoles stretch

Forty-one years here — never saw one accident at that intersection.

It was a very popular road off (Highway) 90 to reach those neighborhoods around Live Oak Cemetery. And it got closed off, all because the church was concerned about elderly people exiting that road when there is a red light less than 200 feet away.

Regardless if it's still a right of way dead end street now, it looks like a new parking lot for the church. How convenient.

Robert Damon Bradley


Thoughts on Recreation Department, businesses

Why does Crestview's Parks and Recreation Department charge $60 for city residents and $65 for county residents, when about half the ballplayers, according to the Crestview Public Services director, live in the county?

The price should be across the board, whether you live in the city or the county. When I go to a restaurant, I pay the same, whether I live in the city or county.

Also: If the population has more than doubled in the past 25 years, why haven't the spokes in the wheel that drive Crestview gotten some modern restaurants here in this city instead of gas stations, churches and banks? I believe that spells revenue in their coffer instead of being in the red all the time.

Does this mean it'll take another 25 years for change in Crestview?

Arnold & Rita Hauger


Suggestion to Parks and Recreation

There's a growing need for an all-sports complex in this city.

Carrie Prescott


Too much development, not enough infrastructure

The city can't have it both ways: approve homes and yet don't improve the city.

Example: Off Airport Road, all the way north of the city, there have been hundreds of homes built in the past 10 years, with no plan of how to handle the added traffic from new home builds. 

This is only one example.

… If this trend continues, this city will be completely developed, with no further improvements to the roads, parks and recreation, shopping and dining, etc. Bobbi-Shawn Harsch


Expecting unimpeded path

We now have an overpass at Duke Field, a flyover at the south end of Highway 123 and, in the near future, we'll have a flyover at the north end of 123.

In my humble opinion, this means all of the traffic from the south end will now have an unimpeded path straight into Crestview.

The stop-and-go traffic usually reaches the river. I truly look forward to the days when it starts at Duke Field — not!

Paul-Pam Smith


Must be fully healthy

I have had a terrible experience trying to establish a (primary care manager) in Crestview. If you are not 100 percent healthy (and who is?) they want nothing to do with you.

Erika Anderson


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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Recreation field plans need turf, never saw accident on Mapoles