CROSE: Music makes us better humans

The Crestview High School music program's Spring Concert is at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 7 in the Pearl Tyner Auditorium.

The location is 1250 Ferdon Blvd.  N. Tickets — $5, adults; $2, children — will be available at the door.

All the choral groups — Chanticleer, Destiny, Women's Choir, Men's Choir and Chorale — will sing a variety of music. I had the pleasure of listening to one of the special ensembles rehearse — and they sounded great.

There are about 120 students involved in the music program, which has grown under choral director Kevin Lusk's leadership. Mr. Lusk has been CHS's choral director for 20 years. Before that, he taught for eight years in South Florida. 

I asked Mr. Lusk why he teaches music, and he said he would like students to experience more than just education's academic side. "Music makes them better humans," he said.

I agree. Music enriches our souls and makes us better people, if we really listen to it and appreciate it.

Mr. Lusk teaches music theory and different styles of music, cooperation and discipline. In the process, many students gain a lifelong love of music.

While they're in high school, they get to share their talents outside of Crestview, too. The choirs have performed at Disney World, in Toronto, the Grand Ole Opry, as well as at state-wide competitions. The Women's Choir just competed at state and won straight "excellent" marks.

And some of Mr. Lusk's students have gone on to sing on and off Broadway. One student sang for the Metropolitan Opera. 

In addition to his duties at CHS, Mr. Lusk is First United Methodist Church's music director.

And Kody Lusk, Mr. Lusk's son, is in his third year at Florida State University, studying to be a music teacher — so it runs in the family.

I hope you've enjoyed this chance to learn more about CHS's choral director, and that you will come out and support our students by attending the Spring Concert on May 7.

Please say "hi" if you see me around town on my jaunts.

Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim, her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine, and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: Music makes us better humans