HELMS: Hope — that's a promise you can believe

Did you know we use the word hope in a fashion different from its Biblical definition?

We say, "I hope it rains tomorrow," and the word indicates there is a possibility that it might not rain.

However, in the Concise Bible Dictionary, the word hope is explained as waiting for something promised. Using this definition, we can see a slightly different, as well as more positive, perspective to the promises contained in His precious Word.

Understand this: It is impossible for God to lie. That being said, why do we approach His promises as though they might not happen? 

Whenever you see the word hope in your Bible, it is intended to instill in us an assurance, or guarantee that a promise is being fulfilled.

We have hope in His return, which means He is returning and we need to be acting like we are expecting it. Not wavering, thinking that it may or may not occur. 

Be sure in your relationship with God. Know that He loves and cares for you. Know that because of hope (assurance) in Him we will one day stand before Him. It will happen! 

When we live in the rest of His hope, we will have victory.

That, my friend, is a promise that you can believe in.

Rev. Richard Helms serves at Miracle Acres Missions, 3187 E. James Lee Blvd., in Crestview.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HELMS: Hope — that's a promise you can believe