Crestview High seniors share one last week together (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Crestview High School seniors — who graduate on Friday — kicked off their last week of classes with a Senior Week Field Day, featuring games like wheelbarrow races. Right, wrestler Raheem Anthony tries a new sport: the senior had to successfully hula the hoop five times before dashing to the next step in the field day relay race. Bottom left, Incoming teammate Michael Valdez, left, tags Juan Martillo during Senior Week Field Day relay races.

CRESTVIEW — Crestview High School seniors are enjoying one last week together before donning caps and gowns and crossing the stage at Jack Foster Stadium.

Senior Week kicked off Monday with Field Day revelry; sports coach and PE teacher Kathy Combest put the Class of 2015 through its paces in a series of competitions.

See photos from Crestview High School Senior Week Field Day events>>

“They’ve gone back to things we used to do,” said Josie Cadenhead, whose daughter, Macie Adams, was among the seniors. “But  I had to give Macie a talk: ‘This is about fun, not winning!’”

Traditional games included a relay race, wheelbarrow races and three-legged races. “And they had tons of water balloons for after the games,” Cadenhead said.

During the relay races, each team member had to successfully hula-hoop five times, jump rope five times and do five jumping jacks before running back to tag the next team member.

Senior Class President Chapman Tew said class officers planned the weeklong activities, which included an awards day on Tuesday, yearbook signing Wednesday and the senior breakfast and baccalaureate service Thursday.

“We started out in elementary school with field days, so we thought we’d hold one last one,” Chapman said.

Chapman said he and his classmates are now focused on their futures.

“We’re getting nervous about what’s to come but we’re excited about the possibilities,” he said.

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview High seniors share one last week together (VIDEO, PHOTOS)