CROSE: Children follow their dads' example

Sometimes, we overlook our fathers and grandfathers' importance, but think of all the ways they have enriched our lives.

In many cases, they taught us how to ride a bike, swing a baseball bat, roller skate, throw a football and play other sports.

They may have helped us solve pesky math problems that never made sense and assisted us with other homework.

Sure, they may have missed some of our school programs because of their work schedules, but their financial and emotional support proved their love for us.

My Dad was a CPA, and I always said I would never go into accounting —but I was an accountant for many years, so he obviously influenced my choice of profession. 

Dads have great influence in their children's lives — they model; we follow. 

My father always talked about business and business ethics with us, and I think all his children have very good business sense because of those dinner discussions. 

My eldest brother is a dentist and runs his own dental practice; another brother is the director of information technology and oversees other aspects of the company; and our youngest brother was a manager at McDonald's who went on to manage fine dining restaurants in California.

I believe our business accomplishments were all due to our father's influence.

Dads are important, and I think it only appropriate that we give them a huge thank you this Sunday and every day. 

And of course, don't forget to thank our Heavenly Father for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. He is the ultimate Father who loves us unconditionally.

Happy Father's Day.

How has your father affected your life? What decisions have you made because of his influence?

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Janice Lynn Crose lives in Crestview with her husband, Jim; her two rescue collies, Shane and Jasmine; and two cats, Kathryn and Prince Valiant.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: CROSE: Children follow their dads' example