Crestview man pleads guilty to child porn charges

Paul R Bloom

CRESTVIEW — Paul R. Bloom, 31, faces up to 50 years in federal prison at his Sept. 4 sentencing after pleading guilty to producing and receiving child pornography, according to a U.S. Department of Justice news release.

Bloom said he used a peer-to-peer file sharing network to receive child pornography, the release stated.

Undercover law enforcement agents downloaded sexually explicit video files in February and March that were traced back to Bloom's computer. A federal search warrant found large amounts of child pornography, the release said.

Agents who interviewed Bloom said he also produced child pornography involving a 9-year-old girl. Forensic reviews found more than 850 videos and 2,000 images that he had received or produced the past few years.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview man pleads guilty to child porn charges