HUBBUB: Live and let live, self-defense is no sin

TOP COMMENT: Live and let live

By Octavia Quintanilla

I am not originally from the South, and when I first moved here I misinterpreted the (Confederate) flag as well. Yet, due to a friend of mine explaining that the flag is more like a representation of southern heritage — and jokingly mentioning her strong love for gravy and grits — my first impressions of this area were changed.

It is a symbol, and it does not mean the same thing to everyone. It is as simple as that.

It was hate groups that chose to disgrace that symbol, thus creating the misinterpretation a lot of people have now.

With all the controversial issues that have risen up lately, my only answer is live and let live.


About the Lundy memorial

This is history, not anything to do with Charleston churches.

Mark Benoit


Flag didn't kill anyone

Sad when a few people that don't even live here are so afraid of a flag. The flag did not kill anyone. Just another way to take our rights away.

Linda Chumley


NAACP should change its name

When is the NAACP going to change its name? Isn't it offensive to refer to African Americans/black people as "colored people?" Then why does the organization still stand for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

Sarah Turner-Fucci


Bypass needed for Laurel Hill

How about more roads coming into different parts of Crestview. Plus a bypass for those traveling to Laurel Hill and beyond.

It's stupid, having only one way in and out going north and south and one way east and west!

Patricia Tiernan Matthews 


Four-lane Highway 285

Another possible immediate solution would be to four-lane Highway 285, and from the north end of Highway 285, also four-lane Highway 90 headed west into Crestview.

This would encourage more motorists to use that route as an option, decreasing Highway 85 traffic flow, and it would also take a little time off the Highway 285 route. But of course the 285 route runs through federal property and the federal government would have to buy off on it.

It also seems to me that it would be in the federal government's best interest to participate in facilitating traffic improvements to fix this problem since military and federal employees are the majority users of these thoroughfares.

Chris Faircloth 


Is Confederate flag removal a deterrent?

Someone please give me an intelligent argument how removing this flag will prevent future atrocities.

Greg Hutto 


Christianity will survive prayer policy

I believe that as Christians, we are in the world, not of the world. Christianity survived Communism, it survived the slaughter by the Romans in Jerusalem, it has survived all of the modern-day atrocities that attack our belief and lifestyle, and it will certainly survive the council meetings in Crestview.

Anna Marie May 


Self-defense is no sin

I have had members of the congregation I once pastored armed with a concealed weapon and holding a concealed permit.

I know that other churches have members within their churches who hold concealed permits and that carry their weapons in the church.

I have no problem with this practice.

We live in an evil world where evil fears less and less to reveal itself. It is not a sin to defend yourself or the defenseless.

Eddie James


Pray for peace, America

I hope I am wrong, but I see more of this in the future. We need revival in America.

Sin will wax worse and worse in these later days. I have often seen forgiveness in smaller doses but when all of these (Charleston) victims' families voiced forgiveness, it blew my mind.

Perhaps Christians of all colors and denominations should come together and pray for peace in America.

Howard Eastlack


No need for public invocations

Matthew 6:6: "But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.

"Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Kenny Born


Focus on business, not faith

I have a better suggestion: Leave everyone's beliefs out of it and concentrate on the duties of your elected office.

Richard S. Singleton


Re-thinking Pastor's Perspective

Have you thought that some people aren't of your faith and might think you are in the wrong and going to their version of hell unless you repent to their god/desses?

… You aren't retaining someone's sin by not confronting them; you are minding your own business and not being a nosey busybody.

You need to think long and hard about what you are trying to get other people to do, and hopefully you will realize that your wanting to make people repent is wrong.

Stephanie Wahner


Remembering Durrell Peaden

Crestview has lost a huge advocate. He was my grandmother's doctor. He did so much for Crestview and Okaloosa County and even Walton County. He basically hand delivered FAMU and other educational facilities to this area.

Thomas Gordon

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Live and let live, self-defense is no sin