HUBBUB: United we stand, bullying needs to stop

Editor's Note: These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


Most of our Facebook fans say the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People should not sue the Okaloosa County School District for racial tension allegedly occurring between some students at Baker School.

A story and the editor's commentary about the NAACP's concerns about Baker School have drawn plenty of response. Here's what some readers had to say.

United we stand

Too many today have no respect for anything or anyone, including themselves, and that has nothing to do with color of the skin (or) where you are from in our world.

If we as a community have problems with racism, maybe our focus is on the wrong things.

… We are better individuals when we stand together to resist our problems, and not let racism nor the other diversions of everyday life divide us.

Ron Terry


Christians believe in equality

God created all men equal. If you are racist, you're against His teaching.

Howard Eastlack


Bullying needs to stop

I know for a fact that a lot of parents and students of all races (including myself) have gone to the school to seek help because of their child being bullied an endless amount of times — only for it to fall on deaf ears time and time again.

I don't care if you are blue, pink, purple or green! This (stuff) needs to stop!

Grubbs L. Vickie


A wife's perspective

My husband grew up in Baker. Everyone, both black and white, got along and, when push came to shove, they had each other's back.

Dorrian Vance


Is the NAACP relevant?

How can we have a national association for the advancement of a single ethnic background in 2015?

What would people say if all groups wanted their own association?

Lewis Glenn Zaring


Racism affects everybody

Racism is seeded in hate, rooted in ignorance and won't be corrected as long as it's promoted that only whites are racist.

David Chamberlain

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: United we stand, bullying needs to stop