Crestview Bulldog freshmen prepare for high school life

Dressed as Hollywood paparazzi, Crestview High Link Crew members Logan Fox, Lyric Kebede and Elyssa McCallum say their group of freshmen are the “stars.”

CRESTVIEW — Mikayla Pierson says she's “a little nervous” about starting high school, but after attending Bulldog Camp, she knows she'll find her way around Crestview High.

Michael Polinsky anticipates academics that match his interests. “I’m looking forward to getting into my web design class,” he said.

The class of 2019 reunited Aug. 4-6 with classmates from middle school, forged new friendships and met their orientation guides, called the Link Crew.

In groups, each named for a U.S. state, rising freshmen learned about the expectations and responsibilities of a high school student. Link Crew members — many costumed to represent their group’s state name — also shared about the fun that awaits over the next four years.

That includes club participation, senior Corey DelValle, wearing a Texas cowboy hat, said. “It’s good to participate because you kind of form a family in the club," he said.

Representing California, seniors Elyssa McCallum, Logan Fox and Lukas Voight, and junior Lyric Kebede dressed as Tinsel Town paparazzi. “Our thing is Hollywood, so (the freshmen) are the stars and we’re like the press,” Elyssa said.

Freshmen learned the layout of Crestview High’s campus, found their classrooms and lockers, received their schedules, elected class officers, had a scavenger hunt and participated in games.

They also heard messages from school administrators about the importance of attendance, following the dress code and managing time.

“Some things are easy in high school and some things are challenging,” guidance counselor Stephanie Sanders said. “These challenges are going to make you a better person because you have to figure things out. You are responsible for you.”

Email News Bulletin Staff Writer Brian Hughes, follow him on Twitter or call 850-682-6524.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Bulldog freshmen prepare for high school life