HUBBUB: Don't listen to the P.C. hype; Confederate flag shouldn't be an issue

North Okaloosa County and surrounding residents remain concerned about a Confederate battle flag fluttering above Confederate Park on East First Avenue in Crestview.

The City Council will continue discussion on the flag's fate during its regular meeting, 6 p.m. Sept. 14 at city hall.

In the meantime, here's what our Facebook fans have to say about the issue.

Don't listen to P.C. hype

As a member of this community for over 50 years, and friends with all colors, not once have I heard anyone in the community bring up the flag issue until the NAACP brings it up.

Do we, as Americans, bow down to just a few special-interest groups? It's our religion, our guns, our flags — our way of life.

What's next, people? We all need to wake up as Americans and not listen to all this politically correct (stuff).

Wade Hutto 

Flag needn't be an issue

Very disappointed that they took it down in the first place, but why put the American flag above it?

I love the U.S., being a combat vet, but they're taking away from Uncle Bill (Lundy) and other Confederate vets by making this a modern country issue.

Bryan Outdoors 

NAACP should eye Planned Parenthood

If the NAACP really cared about their race-related issues, they would be closing Planned Parenthoods everywhere.

Take on a real, current issue … If black lives matter, why aren't they going after PP?

Dea Hayes 

Black lives do matter

Where is Al Sharpton? Has anyone seen Jesse Jackson around town? How about a "Black Lives Matter" protest?

No, they use a blind eye on black-on-black crime, which is out of control.

Black lives do matter, and that's why this kind of activity has to stop.

Jeffrey Smith 

Flag supporters won't face the negative

Sure, you would like to look back and "view the positive," but would not want to digress and see the negative.

The flag, currently used by the KKK in a derogatory way, symbolizes states' rights to own slaves as property. Our people were lynched, murdered and raped on Saturday, while the white Christians went to church on Sundays as if nothing happened.

… The South "lost the war." This flag sits on a monument of a questionable Confederate soldier. Who knows if he really fought, or forged lies.

Mary Smith-Garner

Act for, not against, the city

The hysteria since that knucklehead (Dylann Roof) killed those good people (in Charleston, S.C.) is out of control.

Those who are following the lead about tearing down the flag need to ask their leaders this question: what are you doing for us, instead of asking what they can do against someone else

Jeffrey Smith 

A4 HUBBUB DOG.JPG————————————————

More than 1,200 people have shared our Facebook post about Angel B, a 16-year-old Pomeranian that disappeared July 28 from the Burnells' back yard in nearby Paxton.

A neighbor's child told the owners that she'd seen a woman stop and pick up a small dog around the time Angel went missing.

Owner Lee Burnell — whom friends call "heartbroken" over the alleged theft — said his mother gave him the dog three years before she was murdered.

Here's what readers are saying about the incident.

Praying for alleged dog snatcher

Asking Jesus to prick this person's heart to the point where they will not only return your baby asap, but apologize wholeheartedly and never do this to anyone else again.

Gail Burlison Tate

Angel B needs her owner, too

I hope and pray she is returned to you because, wherever she is, she misses you just as much. A dog at that age needs to be in familiar surroundings with the only person she has ever known.

Betty Hinote

Suggestion for Angel B's owner

To the owner of Angel B: Start a Facebook page in her honor and we will spread it like wildfire!

Patricia Kendrick

Lawmen need to step up involvement

What exactly is being done about this? The past month, I have seen so many posts of dogs being stolen in our area and surrounding cities. One of my teenager's friends had all of her dogs taken over the weekend.

This is obviously an organized ring.

Please tell me the police are treating this seriously. This is so heart-breaking for owners to lose their dogs, especially like this!

Kristi Harms

Keep watch for cutie

If anyone visits someone's home and sees this Angel in their house, report it. Or if you see it in someone's car, report it. The person will be caught for sure if we all keep an eye out for this cutie.

Arvis Jones Cail

To the dog snatcher:

Please bring her back home. Do the right thing.

Susan Rozanski

From black bears discovered at Rolling Pines Townhomes, to reckless driving on Airport Road, and from prayer at Okaloosa County School Board meetings to Crestview area littering, here are other issues our readers are passionate about.

Don't kill black bears

Please, Florida Fish and Wildlife, don't kill these bears; humanly trap and relocate them onto the reservation or somewhere safe.

It's not their fault we are encroaching on their territory.

Jamie Mcmillan 

Airport Road traffic needs attention

Something needs to be done about the reckless driving on Airport Road. I do think more cops need to sit in various spots, especially from 5:30-6 p.m.

In a 3-mile radius, I had two separate instances of cars passing me … they crossed the double lines with cars incoming.

It is not acceptable on that road, with the curves and traffic flow. To the drivers who do this, shame on you for endangering us all!

Hollis Smith

Keep prayer before school board meetings

What is wrong with opening your meeting with prayer and closing your meeting with prayer?

Are you ashamed of Christ?

Can you not stand up for the person that created you?


Maybe, just maybe your schools would run a little bit better if Christ was put back in control. Why can't you say praise to him for gathering you all together? And pray for safe travels after the meeting, and for everyone to come together and work for the good of the community.

I vote yes. Bring our Lord and Savior back into our schools.

Vicki Lynn Halifax 

People shouldn't be so careless

Litter is not only a problem on our beautiful beaches but also all around town.

I can't even drive out of my neighborhood or down the street without seeing someone's discarded trash.

It's disgusting and shameful when people are so careless.

Kaye Beck 

Questioning sports editor's SEC claim

If you only look at the SEC teams playing each other, you can convince yourself that the SEC is a super conference.

However, if you check scores over the past 30 to 35 years, you'll find that there are only three or four consistently good teams, and the rest are mediocre at best.

Know how many times Florida has beaten Kentucky in the last 30 years? Vanderbilt? How about Alabama and Mississippi State? Mississippi? South Carolina?

Now check the scores of FSU vs. the SEC teams over the same period. Once you've done that, tell me one more time about the great SEC.

Daniel Bowers

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Don't listen to the P.C. hype; Confederate flag shouldn't be an issue