HUBBUB: More than 5 ways to screw up at CHS, Top Classic Movies list missed

More than 5 ways to screw up at CHS

There are more serious things to do at any school to "screw up" than the petty things they list in this article.

That's the problem with today's schools: they point out the petty things, pinpoint these kids so "bad" that they get sent to another school — where they really get labeled "bad" — and then it starts a cycle. These kids get bullied by staff who claim that these "five ways" are seriously bad.

Start focusing on what is more of a problem at your school, like drugs, sex, bullying, etc.

Barbara Williams-Seeley


More items for '5 ways' list

Number 6: Bring a gun to school. Number 7: Bring drugs to school. Number 8: Join a gang involved in racketeering, murder someone, then leave the body on (State Road) 85.

John Q. Baker


About the murder suspects:

How can a human treat another human that way.

Ray Heath


Okaloosa schools should allow prayer

Yes, I believe we should have prayers before meetings. I think it should be allowed back in school as well.

Melissa DuBose


Prayer would be unconstitutional

What if someone isn't religious? It (prayer during Okaloosa School Board meetings) would make them uncomfortable.

Also, these are state employees. There is separation of church and state; it is in the Constitution.

Therefore, since they are conducting government business as government employees, prayer would actually be unconstitutional. 

Elizabeth Andrews


Nostalgic for public pool

Too bad we cannot have the Crescent Springs Swimming Pool open again.

Bonny Ann


Add GWTW to Top Classic Movies list

I agree with their picks, but would also love to see "Gone with the Wind" on the big screen! That's where my grandmother picked my name from. She loved that book and movie, and passed that love on to me.

Tara Michelle Geiger


Top Classic Movies list missed

I disagree with all four of their picks. If you haven't seen "The Ten Commandments," it has some powerful acting.

Patricia Shapter 


Praise for Rev's column

Pastor Helms, I appreciate your words. Most preachers these days water down their messages so much as to leave gray areas as morality choices.

Howard Eastlack

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: More than 5 ways to screw up at CHS, Top Classic Movies list missed