HUBBUB: People don't want local businesses, support seniors to promote Southern heritage

These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.


Editor's Note: Facebook fans shared their thoughts on topics such as a Laurel Hill service member finally being honored on the Okaloosa Veterans Memorial; plans to fuel downtown Crestview's business growth; Southern heritage; and City Councilman Mickey Rytman's resignation. Here is a sampling of their comments.

Happy that L.H. hero will be honored

Nice to see when common sense prevails and good things happen. This patriot deserves to be honored.

Jason Howard


People don't want local businesses

People of this town always whine that they want more businesses and more things to do. But when someone opens a business, it quickly closes shop.

Truth is, the people around here don't want businesses; they want multi-billion dollar businesses. The people of Crestview don't want to support their neighbor's business; they want their neighbor working at Target for minimum wage.

Kat Welty


Remove roadblocks to business growth

I'm thinking this isn't going to be the shot in the arm downtown needs. It needs development with chain stores that will lure crowds, create business and pay taxes. The fly-by-night, mom-and-pop places do little to nothing to appeal to the masses.

Crestview has more than enough people to support a thriving shopping district, and it is the responsibility of the local government to work with the various developers to close the deals.

I don't know why other local communities can have things and we can't. There have to be significant roadblocks in the process and those roadblocks, either people or policies, need to be removed.

Dean Barrow


Bring more big box stores

Always trying to "jump start" Main Street when it's the (Interstate) 10/Highway 85 area where big box stores want to be. Grow the big box stores and the rest will follow. You need anchors to hold people here.

Charles Lennard


Think first about traffic

Crestview needs to start thinking about a new road through Crestview, not a dog park. Congestion is horrible seven days a week.

Lonnie Hester


Support seniors to promote Southern heritage

I think a good way to promote Southern heritage is to go visit shut-ins, people in nursing homes, and other seniors in our community. They are the real heritage in our lives.

Heritage, by way of beautiful memories.

They quietly sit just waiting for visitors to come and talk with them. Listening to the life experiences of our senior population is more valuable than anything.

We could never forget this heritage if we heed the voice of the wiser generations that have years of experience to share.

Amy Lynn Herf


Criteria for new council member

I hope we get a council member who is neither overwhelmed nor intimidated by controversial issues.

Chuck Bonta

Editor's Note: These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

HUBBUB: xxxx Sample of Two topics, no date XXXX

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: People don't want local businesses, support seniors to promote Southern heritage