Okaloosa County launches interactive financial transparency dashboard

Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk’s Office has launched a budget and financial transparency application powered by OpenGov that provides unprecedented access to county finances.

The web-based platform transforms complex financial data into an interactive, digital format that enables better analysis and understanding of the county's finances. The design makes it easier to explore how taxpayer money is collected and spent.

Access the platform at http://www.okaloosaclerk.com/index.php/transparency-portal/90-transparency-dashboard or through the office's transparency page at OkaloosaClerk.com.

The OpenGov dashboard displays up to five years of Okaloosa County spending and revenue detail in a user‐friendly portal. Site visitors can view historical revenue and expenditure trends over time and explore multiple views of financial data, including by fund, department, expense, or revenue type.

For example, visitors to the platform may answer frequently asked questions such as “What is the proposed budget for next fiscal year?” or “How much will the county will collect in Tourist Development Tax next year?” and then share that information directly from the platform via email or on social media.

This initiative to make the county’s finances more transparent and understandable is a joint effort between Okaloosa commissioners and the clerk’s office to demonstrate their commitment to efficient, data‐driven, open government.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Okaloosa County launches interactive financial transparency dashboard