Crestview firefighters receive medals for saving toddler's life

Crestview firefighters Jason Giles, Kelly Thomas, Danny Ermy and Lt. Joey Lambert receive praise from Deputy Fire Chief Tony Holland. The four saved the life of Jeremiah Holland, who is unrelated to the chief. Mayor David Cadle, left of Chief Holland, and Brandon, Jenny and Jeremiah Holland observe.

CRESTVIEW — Four Crestview firefighters have earned medals for saving a toddler's life.

Lt. Joey Lambert and firefighters Danny Ermy, Kelly Thomas and Jason Giles received recognition this week for their fast response to an Aug. 23 report of a choking child, Jeremiah Holland.

“It took Engine 2 approximately three minutes to get on scene, which I’m sure seemed like a lifetime to the parents,” Brandon and Jenny Holland, Deputy Fire Chief Tony Holland said.

Holland, who is not related to the family, said the responders found Jeremiah unresponsive and his face and lips had turned blue. They turned the boy over and “gave him four back blows, which cleared his airway.”

The firefighters administered oxygen to Jeremiah and color returned to his face, Holland said during a presentation at the Sept. 14 City Council meeting. Two minutes later, EMTs arrived and took over the child’s care.

“If it wasn’t for the immediate actions of this crew, Jeremiah might not be here today,” Holland said.

“Through their training and efforts, a life was saved; a young life,” Crestview City Council President Shannon Hayes said. “We’re proud of their efforts.”

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview firefighters receive medals for saving toddler's life