LETTER: God arrived in time for Crestview City Council decision

Dear editor,

"Right then, God showed up." Do you remember this line from the film "Forrest Gump?"

Sept. 28, we saw God answer a simple invocation: "Lord, tonight we pray that our leadership will recognize that those who make their decisions according to the opinions of others tend to become slaves to those opinions. 

"Help our leadership to know that God rarely uses a person whose main concern is what others are thinking. As we have done in the past, we pray our leadership will know Your wisdom through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Bring us all home safely (Thursday). Thank You Lord. Amen."

Quickly into the meeting, the City Council was tied, 2-2, over the millage rate and next the city budget.

The elements were first a state requirement — to have the millage rate established by Oct. 1; next, without the recommended millage rate, the city would face a $1 million budget shortfall, plus a promised raise for city employees.

After a bunch of back and forth, the millage rate passed and the city budget and the promised employee raises resulted.

For all you Christians who were not present, I am sure that by reading the invocation and considering the results, you will be able to take a moment and see that God did in fact arrive at that meeting. 

A good thing.

What's your view? Write a letter to the editor or tweet us.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: LETTER: God arrived in time for Crestview City Council decision