Holt economic development meeting scheduled

HOLT — Okaloosa County Commissioner Nathan Boyles wants to hear how Holt residents want the community to grow and develop.

He has scheduled an informal meeting — 5:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall — to discuss the topic.

"As the District 3 commissioner and a resident of the Holt community, I am interested in gathering feedback about economic development in our community," Boyles said. "With an existing industrial park, interstate exchange and railway, Holt has considerable potential for future economic development.

"Economic development can bring good, high-wage jobs but being competitive with other communities may require substantial investment in planning and infrastructure," Boyles said. "Economic development also can bring unwanted changes to a community."

Boyles said he invited county administration and Economic Development Council representatives, along with state officials, to participate in the conversation and answer residents' questions.

"It is my hope that information gathered from the meeting can be used to help guide and direct infrastructure and economic development planning," Boyles said. 

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Holt economic development meeting scheduled