HUBBUB: Head lice will always be around, bridges need work, too

Our Facebook fans shared their thoughts on head lice and Okaloosa County's plans for a new Crestview courthouse, among other issues. Here are some of their comments.

Head lice will always be around

If (the schools) sent home a letter every time there was a case of head lice, they would be sending them out all the time.

Head lice are always around and always will be.

As parents of school children, we need to keep checking on our kids regularly for it anyway.

Carrie Powers 


Child had lice three times

I dealt with this same situation at Walker Elementary

(School). When my child came home with lice, no one from the school notified me. I immediately treated her and kept her home from school for one day to make sure she was treated successfully.

I called the school to be told by the nurse that they cannot notify due to HIPAA. My child ended up with lice three times last year.

I think it's ridiculous and will gladly sign a petition if that's what it takes.

Diana Pagán 


Glad that Crestview courthouse will be razed

Have to say I've never heard anyone refer to that beast as "beautiful," or "historic," for that matter.

I've traveled around the South quite a bit and it is, without a doubt, the ugliest courthouse I've ever laid eyes on.

Will be so glad to see it go down and be replaced with something attractive and serviceable.

Beth Ray Brant 


About letter on courthouse mold

Yes, Clorox, will work — where you see the mold — but how do you treat the mold that is there and not visible?

New courthouse for Crestview. Yes!

Gisela Harper 


Health department: Reschedule rabies vaccinations

What a shame this is on a weekday. During working hours. Guess they didn't want too many folks to show up.

Andrea Heath Wilkinson 


Admiration for Crestview police officers

I really admire our PD. They are a great group of guys that risk their lives for us every day for very little pay and far less respect than they deserve. Blue Lives Matter!

Loretta Owens Taylor 


Bridges need work, too

Is the new thinking that all of our buildings/structures have to be less than 50 years old to be safe, functional and not eye-sores?

I contend that (Okaloosa County's Crestview courthouse) could be brought up to specs for less than half of that amount ($21 million).

And our bridges in the county could sure use some work. There are several of them over 50 years old, and I don't remember anybody complaining because they were not pleasant to look at! Yet, every day, more and more car and truck traffic use these bridges.

Seems that might be more noteworthy than how beautiful our new courthouse might look.

These commissioners might try spending that money as if it were coming from their own pockets.

Ron Terry


Expansion requires city, county leaders' help

To expand at the airport it takes more than an engineer's vision. It takes city and county leaders to have the same vision.

If not, then it continues to stay stagnant with little expansion.

They also have to have the foresight and improve infrastructure long before expansion occurs; otherwise, they just try and play catch-up.

Gary Jacobs

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Head lice will always be around, bridges need work, too