HUBBUB: Readers respond to Crose column on Crestview driving manners

Editor's Note: Our Facebook and website fans have strong opinions about State Road 85 and S.R. 123 traffic, based on their comments on Janice Crose's most recent column on driving manners.


I stopped working in Fort Walton Beach because of how bad driving conditions are.

Not just speeders but texting while driving.

I hate driving down to that area and back because I drive a smaller vehicle and feel somewhat vulnerable since almost everyone drives a truck or SUV.

Lisa Bruning 


The other day I was speeding at 70 mph and I was getting literally honked, flashed, tailgated and passed. Apparently 70 isn't fast enough.

I'm talking about the area (where) it's 65 before it drops. 123 is ridiculous.

There's so many times I say to myself "God, I really hope there is a cop up there."

Yasmin Saunders 


How about when you leave the correct gap between you and the vehicle in front, and some (person) pulls into the gap?

That really annoys me!

Paul Thompson 


Seems as if the majority of drivers feel that using turning signals are optional as well.

Must be a challenge to flip that difficult switch. 

Jenn Boswell 


Those (construction) guys working out there have families, and I bet they want them to come home in the afternoon instead of being run over by some (reckless driver) who ignores the speed limit while updating his Facebook while driving.

I see (people) staring at their phone every time I get in my vehicle.

It's not a matter of if you get in a wreck, just when.

Charlie Arnold 


It's a huge disrespect to the lives of the workers.

Those workers are risking life and limb just to give residents a better commute; you'd think drivers would show them a little respect and slow down.

Kat Welty 


Okaloosa County could earn enough cash to solve our national debt issues if there were a few more sheriffs' department cars patrolling (State Roads) 85 and 123.

It amazes whenever I drive those two roads how many people drive at freeway speeds and there are no police cars.

Will it take the death of a construction worker to get some cops on those roads?

Gretl Stenske 

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Readers respond to Crose column on Crestview driving manners