Crestview High chorus ends year on a high note

Members of the Crestview High School chorus' elite Chanticleer show choir perform Dean Martin's “Sway" during a Nov. 7 pancake breakfast fundraiser.

CRESTVIEW — A middle school men’s chorus camp, a successful pancake breakfast, strong showings at regional competition, and upcoming holiday performances have Crestview High School's chorus rounding out 2015 on a high note.

Here are the highlights:

●A number of CHS chorus members and ensembles scored high at the recent Florida Vocal Association District Solo and Ensemble competition. (See box for more details.)  

●The CHS chorus hosted its second Men’s Day, which addresses a concern that some boys drop out of chorus after advancing to high school. 

Boys from Davidson and Shoal River Middle Schools spent Nov. 5 at Crestview High with CHS Men’s Choir members and learned “it’s cool to be in chorus,” choral music Director Kevin Lusk said.

“It went really well,” he said. “We learned from last year what worked and what didn’t. We had a total of about 49 kids during the day and 46 performed that evening.”

In addition to seeing the high school men’s quartet perform, the middle schoolers enjoyed performances by the Wesley Boy’s men’s quartet from First United Methodist Church and a performance by the Florida State University men’s quartet.

●A Nov. 7 pancake breakfast gave audiences a Christmas concert preview, and added $900 to the choral music program’s travel and equipment fund.

●The Destiny and Chanticleer show choirs will sing for business, civic and community leaders at the Dec. 3 Crestview Area Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting

●The Dec. 15 Christmas concert — which features the group’s show choirs and men’s and women’s choirs — concludes with the massed chorus, joined by returning alumni, performing the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah.”

●The show choirs will also perform at Silver Sands School on Dec. 15, and on Dec. 16, may perform at local nursing homes and middle schools, Lusk said.

●Closing their holiday performances, Destiny and Chanticleer will appear Dec. 17 for Noël Night — set for 6-8 p.m. at the Crestview Public Library.


What: Crestview High School Chorus Christmas Concert

When: 7 p.m. Dec. 15

Where: Pearl Tyner Auditorium, Crestview High School

Cost: $5 adults, $2 students

Notes: The award-winning, 120-voice chorus presents its annual Christmas concert showcasing its several choirs, culminating with the mass performance of the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah,” featuring returning alumni


These Crestview High School chorus members and ensembles scored high at Florida Vocal Association District Solo and Ensemble competition. Students or groups scoring “superior” ratings will advance to state competition:


Alyson Cottrell: Superior

Jenna Morales: Superior

Victoria Crisman: Superior

April Gudinas: Excellent

Liliana Smith: Excellent

Mikayla Scad: Excellent


Barbershop Quartet: Superior

Chanticleer Men: Superior

Chanticleer Women: Superior

Destiny 1: Superior

Destiny 2: Superior

Student Conductor Aly Cottrell: Superior

Duet: Excellent

Trio: Excellent

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview High chorus ends year on a high note