13 things you didn't know about Baker's Alena Banks

Baker School girls basketball Coach Jamie Kerrell said Alena Banks has the length (of her body) and speed that allows her to excel as a defensive player.

BAKER — Alena Banks is not your typical basketball player. While most of her teammates seek to shoot and score, the Baker School sophomore focuses on keeping the other team from scoring.

“She is a very good defensive player,” Baker Coach Jamie Kerrell said. “She’s got a long reach. She’s good at disrupting the passing lane.

“She works real hard. She does everything I ask her to do. She can cover the length of the floor in just a few steps, and that’s very helpful when you like to press.”

Kerrell moved Banks up to the varsity when she was an eighth-grader. Even then, he saw her potential.  

“I saw then that she was going to be very athletic,” Kerrell said. “She has an athletic build. You just watch how she moves and you can see her eye-hand coordination.

“You knew she was going to develop into a really good basketball player. With her working hard, and just buying into what we are trying to do here at Baker, she’s really developing. By the time she’s a senior, she’s going to be something to contend with.”

We now catch up with Alena Banks.

How old were you when you started playing basketball?

I would say around 8.

What's the best part of basketball?


What's the worst part of basketball?


What are your expectations this season?

Just to push ourselves and to go further than we did last year.

If you had to pick a different sport to play, what would it be?

Track, because you run.

What is your favorite basketball experience?

The Northview game last year, because it was really intense. There was a lot going on, but we really played good defense.

What are your hobbies outside basketball?

Dance and school.

What's your dream career?

I want to be a lawyer.

Do you want to play college basketball?

Yes, I want to play at Duke. My uncle went there and I just like it. And it’s a great education.

What is your favorite movie?

“Perfect 10.”

Who is your favorite singer?

Justin Bieber

If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be?

SpongeBob (SquarePants), because we both have weird laughs.

If you could go back and live in any other period in history, which one would you choose?

I’d be like 50 years from now, because we won’t have to walk. We will just hover around.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 13 things you didn't know about Baker's Alena Banks