HUBBUB: Thoughts on Crestview traffic, home invasions and refugees

Our Facebook fans shared their views on Crestview traffic, runners' safety, a Holt home invasion halted by a gun-toting resident, and blood donation.

Here are some of their comments.

Gridlock over traffic worsens

I've lived here since 1991, and have watched the Crestview City Council twiddle their collective thumbs over the traffic issue as gridlock grows worse and worse.

If they invested as much effort into fixing this issue as they do about downtown and Main Street, which most of the population (couldn't) care less about, our problems would be well on the way to being solved.

Kurt Burgess 


Runners need to take precautions

I myself do a routine run, but I'm seeing people out in the middle of nowhere!

South (State Road) 85 between Duke (Field) and North 85, all the way to Bill Lundy Road!

You gotta get your dig, but you're seriously putting yourself at risk, as well as other motorists!

Think about where you run and what you have on, as well as what time you are doing it!

Scott Howard


Surprises await home invaders

(People) who break into houses here in Northwest Florida are truly stupid. This isn't the liberal northeast — you will get shot by a homeowner here!

Robert Rohlfing


About the victim

So glad she had the right to have her gun!

Lori Hulion


More perks for blood donors

Donors should be paid more than a $10 gift card. The blood will be sold for hundreds to you or your medical insurance. You will not get it free.

Suzanne C. Walcheck


Our Facebook fans shared their views on whether Florida should accept Syrian refugees.

Here are some of their comments.

Homeland security comes first

Keep them out. We have to protect our families after what happened in Lebanon, Israel, Paris, Britain and several other nations in the last year.

ISIS is a real and valid threat, and air strikes are not helping. French and Russia are doing more than what our weak leadership is. Even the FBI and (intelligence personnel) have said we have no proper way to ensure those coming are properly vetted and verified.

We have got to take care of our own issues before anyone else's.

Frederick Butts


Have some trust

Other countries — some our allies, in Europe and the Middle East — have taken their share. We should all share in helping with this crisis. We are only talking maybe, at the max, 425 of them in the entire state of Florida! And screening can be done.

Let's continue the spirit of America in helping those in crisis — that is what has made this country great. The U.S. is one of the best countries at assimilation, integration and vetting. Let's let our government do what they do best, and have some trust.

Erica Louise


Priorities first

Take care of our veterans and homeless — then we can talk about refugees.

Linda Boutwell


Keep tabs on them

I say let them in! But, of course, only after a proper vetting by intelligence agencies — and also keep tabs on them.

These people are just trying to escape ISIS. If ISIS wants to attack us, they have many other avenues besides posing as "refugees."

Jamie Parkin


Better safe than sorry

I say don't let them in. You can't trust any one of them. Better safe than sorry. Yes, women included.

Laurie Rodriguez Ward


Just one lone wolf

Don't want them here. It just takes one lone wolf out of the 10,000 Syrian refugees.

James Tinsley


Veterans are more important

Allow none in. Have you not seen that they are training kids to attack us? Not to mention the woman who had a bomb and tried to kill the police in France.

Get your heads out of the sand, people. There are other places they can go, and America is not the place.

Take care of our veterans — they are more important.

Pudge Sanchez


No more long-term dependents

It's not just about the potential threat coming in with them. Where are these people going to go? Who is going to feed, clothe and house them? I don't see those saying "let them in" stepping up and offering room and board.

Government is not supposed to be in the business of providing those things. That's why we are a country of dependents waiting on someone to take care of us.

I feel for these people, but would rather see our money spent once to get them set up elsewhere so they can then provide for themselves.

If not, we create just more long-term dependents.

Amanda N Bryan


Don't ask for more problems

We should share in no such burden because we have not caused this burden.

During Vietnam, we failed the South Vietnamese people, and took in those who already worked for the American government. The same is true of the Iraq war. The Cuban refugee crisis was unavoidable, and we turned many away. The Syrian crisis was caused by a president who failed to act when the line was drawn in the sand, and (he) could have thwarted the refugee crisis all together.

So the answer is no — this economy can't even help the homeless families or homeless vets we have now

… Fix the problems we have already, not ask for more!

Larry Ratliff

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Thoughts on Crestview traffic, home invasions and refugees