13 things you didn't know about Crestview's Bryant Berry

Crestview High School boys basketball Coach George Stakley says senior Bryant Berry will do the team's dirty work on the court.

CRESTVIEW — Bryant Berry isn’t the most vocal player on Crestview High School’s boys basketball team, but the senior is a calm and steady influence.

He is the defensive specialist every team needs. He’s more content with stopping a shot than making a shot, which is just one reason why Bulldog Coach George Stakley is glad to have him on the team.

“He’s the person on the court you can depend on,” Stakley said. “He’s  that guy who is always going to be hustling, playing hard, taking the charges.

“He does all the dirty work, and he doesn’t mind doing it. He doesn’t care about scoring at all. I love him to death.”

We now catch up with Bryant Berry.

How old were you when you started playing basketball?

I was about 6.

What's the best part of basketball?

The family atmosphere around me, and just winning games with my team.

What's the worst part of basketball?


What are your expectations this season?

A state championship.

If you had to pick a different sport to play, what would it be?

I’d probably play football. I like playing physical out here on the basketball court, so I can relate that back to football.

What is your favorite basketball experience?

Going to the Elite Eight last year.

What are your hobbies outside basketball?

Hanging out with my friends and playing video games.

What's your dream career?

Probably an agriculture major with farming.

Do you want to play college basketball?

I don’t think I’m good enough, but if I could, I’d go to Kentucky.

What is your favorite movie?

“8 Mile.”

Who is your favorite singer?

Florida Georgia Line.

If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be?

SpongeBob, because he gets to live under the sea.

If you could go back and live in any other period in history, which one would you choose?

The 1970s, because they liked to party.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: 13 things you didn't know about Crestview's Bryant Berry