Letters to Santa: Laurel Hill School

Editor's Note: The News Bulletin will publish North Okaloosa County second-graders' letters to Santa Claus in the coming editions.

Each year, we publish all students' letters, unedited, as teachers submit them. This is the second installment of letters.

Keepsake alert: These letters will appear in the Dec. 16-18, 2015 News Bulletin.


Adeana Majors' classes

Dear Santa,

I think I have been good. First, I would like a dog because I will play with it. Second, a Zoomer Kitty. Third, an Xbox 360 and Xbox 1. Fourth, Elf on the Shelf. Fifth, a star. Sixth, a small pony. Seventh, a secret. Eighth, 1 million dollars.

Love, Jashonna S.


Dear Santa,

I think I have been good. First, beanie boos. Second, secret. Third, Kindle. Fourth, blanket. Fifth, pool. Sixth, rare baby boos. That is all, Santa.

Love, Ryan M.


Dear Santa,

I know that I’ve done bad stuff so I am sorry. Can I have snow for Christmas and a dirt bike? An Xbox 360 and iPhone and a headset to talk to people on Xbox 360. Merry Christmas! 

Love, Kyle G.


Dear Santa,

I have bene good. Can I have cologne, deodorant, Nerf gun, baby doll for my sister? Please a play station, iPhone 6s, Xbox 1, shot gun, drone, dirt bike, and Grand Theft Auto 5.

Love, Mason


Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I want a fartzooka and a mind sword yo-kia watch. P.S. I have another Christmas list at home.

Love, Jesse


Dear Santa,

I think I’ve been good but I’ve done some bad things that I’m sorry for. First, I want an Elf on the Shelf. Please. I won’t touch it. Next, I want a three story Barbie house with an elevator and garage and a Barbie school bus with like 20 seats and room to put their legs.

Love, Ava S.


Dear Santa,

I have been good and bad and I’d like and iPhone 6 and a four-wheeler that has a thumb gas pedal and an Xbox 1.

Love, Evan A.


Dear Santa,

I am very good. I want a drone. The idominus rex and blue might t-rex from Jurassic World and a go-cart.

Love, Charlie


Dear Santa,

I have been good. Can I have an Elf on the Shelf and a dog that had a rabies shot and a cat that liked the dog and the dog liked the cat. A lot of bracelets and a pet guinea pig. I hope you can get me it. You don’t have to if it is too much. Santa, I love you. You are the best Santa. XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Love, Hailee M.


Dear Santa,

I was good this year. This year I want snow. I also want an Elf on the Shelf and a Wii U game called Spitoon and a cat and kitten.

Love, Aidan A.


Dear Santa,

I’ve been good but some things I’ve been sorry for. A ds because Bobby had one and a cool train with six train carts with a cool train cart too.

Love, Jordan O.


Dear Santa,

I have been good. I would like a iPhone 6s and I would like a real Golden Retriever pup, a computer, Xbox 1, and 1 million dollars.

Love, Dracen W.


Dear Santa,

I think I have been good. This Christmas I want a toy elf and nutcracker. And can I please have a stuffed animal tiger and a stuffed animal leopard and a stuffed animal cheetah and a big stuffed animal lion? Please.

Love, Landon H.


Dear Santa,

I think I have been good and I want a dog and a cat. And can you get me an Elsa doll and an elf? I love all of our elves and I promise I will never touch one of your elves. Merry Christmas to you Santa. I want a toy dolphin. I love you. If you can’t get all of this stuff, it’s ok.

From: Alia H.


Dear Santa,

I’m sorry that I did bad things. So could I have a guitar? Could I have an iPhone 6s. Could I have a computer? Could I have an Xbox 1 with headphones? Could you get a go cart that goes 1,000 miles per hour with gas? Could I have a drone?

Love,  Steven D.


Dear Santa,

To: Santa Claus To: The North Pole

Can you get me a drone, Xbox 1, Xbox 1 controller, Call of Duty 3, Wii U, Splatoon, and the last thing that  I really want is a four-wheeler camo and small please? 

From: Bradley S.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Letters to Santa: Laurel Hill School