HUBBUB: Lower Main Street buildings' rent, re-thinking the 'war on Christmas'

Editor's Note: These featured comments are the most thoughtful or eloquently stated comments from our Facebook page and and do not necessarily reflect the newspaper management's views.

Crestview needs new shopping options

I agree there are some wonderful stores on Main Street. Store hours is what hurt their businesses. Many of them are closed on weekends, or close before people can get off work and go to them.

Our shopping options are limited, and yet we keep getting new Dollar General stores.

Please bring in new things so that revenue stays in our town.

Annette Salter 


Would love to spend money locally

How about an upscale mall of some kind? We have to go shopping in other cities. I'd rather give our community here my money.

Sue Ring 


Lower Main Street buildings' rent

It's way too expensive right now for anyone but a big store to be there. So online shopping is still the way to go until they fix that problem.

Also, they don't have any real variety for younger people, which is why we keep going to the bigger cities to shop.

Stephanie Wahner 


Re-thinking the 'war on Christmas'

I personally enjoy the celebration of Christ's birth this time of year. I am aware, however, that the celebration during this time is a modern tradition. The birth of Christ is something to celebrate, but the season in which we do it is not relevant and has no bearing on its significance.

I think it's distracting and takes away from Christ when we view it as a competition (with) consumerism. Greed is a result of sin, not because a manger scene wasn't allowed on public property.

AW Ratliff 

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This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUBBUB: Lower Main Street buildings' rent, re-thinking the 'war on Christmas'