Household staples needed for Crestview Manor residents

CRESTVIEW — Main Street Land Title Company and the law firm of Nathan D. Boyles, P.A. are accepting donations for Crestview Manor.

The facility houses more than 50 senior citizens with limited means who likely would have no alternative for housing.

"Under the leadership of my office manager (aka: Mom), we will deliver care packages and cash a few days before Christmas," Boyles, an Okaloosa County commissioner, stated in his latest constituent newsletter.

Items needed include: shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, chapstick, lip balm, mouthwash, hand sanitizer, brushes, socks, combs, cookies, candy, chips, crackers, word search books, Poligrip, denture cleaner, disposable razors, calendars and cash for purchasing incidentals.

Deliver donations through 4 pm. Dec. 18 to 204 N. Main St., Crestview.

Email for more information on how to help.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Household staples needed for Crestview Manor residents