Crestview, Shalimar law firm supports Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem teens

Special to the News Bulletin

The local Guardian Ad Litem program and the teenagers it represents have $1,740 this Christmas with donations from Chesser and Barr PA staffers. Pictured, from left, are Deborah Tipton, who led the program all year; Lisa Brown, GAL representative; Emily L. Rogers, real estate closing attorney; and Brian W. Corlew, family law attorney.

CRESTVIEW — Eighty-two teenagers in the local Guardian Ad Litem program will find that a law firm cares about them during the holidays.

Chesser and Barr PA's Crestview and Shalimar offices purchased as many $20 gift cards for the teens.

"We implemented a policy that allowed you to wear jeans on Friday as long as you contribute $5 to the GAL fundraiser," a spokesperson with the firm said.

Employees raised $1,740.  They donated the remaining $100 directly to the GAL program.

A court-appointed Guardian Ad Litem investigates which solutions would be in the best interests of a child whom he or she represents.

"With the GAL coordinator's assistance, the firm discovered that most of the donations received at Christmas time were items for the younger children, and the needs of the teens in the program went largely unmet," the firm's spokesperson said.

"We were informed that between Fort Walton Beach and Crestview, the GAL represents 82 teenagers," the spokesperson said.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview, Shalimar law firm supports Northwest Florida Guardian Ad Litem teens