Crestview boys basketball team schedules tryouts

The Hub City Lakers Amateur Athletic Union boys basketball team is planning tryouts for sixth- through 10th-graders. Fifth graders will be accepted if their skills are up to par.

Tryout sessions are Saturday, Jan. 30 at Richbourg School, 500 Alabama St., Crestview.

Start times have not been set, and depend on how many grade levels sign up.

According to the team's Facebook page, the Hub City Lakers basketball organization's mission is to provide a safe environment for kids to learn not only basketball, but life lessons to help them become successful members of society.

Last year's team took home wins in the 2015 Comet Shootout and the 2015 Out of the Box Sports Panhandle Classic Champions.

For more information contact Coach David Loggins at 376-6212, or visit the team Facebook page,

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview boys basketball team schedules tryouts