HUGHES: Thoughts on judging the GFWC Crestview Woman's Club art show (PHOTOS)

I accepted an invitation to judge the Greater Federation of Woman’s Club’s Crestview chapter winter art show for several reasons:

●I’m a fan of the club. For the past century, these women have nurtured generations of leaders and pushed for improvements in our community and its livability.

●Jeri Jones was the event chairwoman. You can’t say no to Miss Jeri. It’s like saying, “Gee, your holiness, I’d swing by the Vatican and have tea but I’m busy today.”

●I knew from judging their show a couple of years ago that I’d see great art and crafts — no pretentious silliness.

●There was food, and Woman’s Club members excel in the kitchen.

Jan. 12, at the club's home behind Woodlawn Baptist Church, I joined judges Johanna Petito and Carol Barry at the displays.

Artists pour their hearts and souls into their works. The “best in show” winner, a cross stitch called “Winter,” took the artist two years to complete. (It was Miss Jeri, we learned later. The works were displayed anonymously.)

Choosing other winners was less easy, but knowing how much effort it took to achieve the result helped. Realizing an oil of a ram was painted in reverse on the back of a piece of glass made it easy to give a blue ribbon.

The winners will advance to regional competition Feb. 29 in Gulf Breeze.

Artwork on display and treats and sweets on the breakfast buffet are the almost cliché manifestation of the term “woman’s club.”

But these women are steel magnolias who have served and bettered the Crestview community as long as there’s been a Crestview.

Do you think a man could crochet a Victorian doll, bake Georgia cornbread cake and push the county to reroute State Road 85 and make a railroad overpass?

The Greater Federation of Woman’s Club’s Crestview chapter welcomes new members. Men may join as club boosters. Contact President Jeanne Gutenmann, 423-9977,


Sharlene Cox – doll making

Linda P Parker – reverse glass painting

Jeri Jones – counted cross stitch, Best in Show

Teri McLeod – ceramic angel

Brenda Johns – Floral arrangement

Ondella Baker – wreath,

Opel Westmoreland – photography


This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: HUGHES: Thoughts on judging the GFWC Crestview Woman's Club art show (PHOTOS)