Crestview Sister City group serves king cake, crowns couple

Linda Tuggle and her husband, Larry, Crestview residents, were crowned Mardi Gras royalty at the Crestview Area Sister City Program's midwinter potluck dinner Jan. 16 at the First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall in Crestview.

CRESTVIEW — New, old members were crowned Mardi Gras royalty at the Crestview Area Sister City Program’s midwinter potluck dinner.

Linda and Larry Tuggle, who participated in the program in years past, rejoined it at the Jan. 16 event.

There, Crestview High School French teacher Chris Lanoue presented a king cake, the traditional Mardi Gras treat.

Hidden within the flaky dough is a token, usually a small porcelain or plastic baby. Depending on tradition, the person who gets the baby, which represents the infant Jesus, is considered blessed.

In New Orleans, the finder is expected to share the blessing by providing the king cake at the next gathering.

But for the more than 20 people who attended the dinner, it was sufficient for Linda Tuggle, who found the token, and her husband to wear the crowns and rule over the dinner, during which members planned for an October visit by more than 40 visitors from Noirmoutier, Crestview’s Sister City.

This article originally appeared on Crestview News Bulletin: Crestview Sister City group serves king cake, crowns couple